You see, I was on vacation, and being the person I am, I like to meet new people. One day, I was ordering my lunch, and a really attractive guy gets in line behind me. Never one to pass up an opportunity to flirt, I asked him if he wanted to join my friends and me for lunch. He politely declined, something I’ve never experienced before (I’m from New Jersey), and went to join his younger brother.
Later on that day, I saw him again and decided to just talk with him and I discovered that he has a band called Trademark Taken. Right a way I was interested. The rest of the vacation I wondered what they sounded like. After many hours of pondering, the taxi pulled up in front of the house and I was able to experience their music.
To say that Trademark Taken is good is an understatement, to say that they are anything but amazing is like saying Nirvana had no influence over music. The sound that was coming out of my speakers was like an orgasm for my ears.
Not content with being a whine-y punk or emo band, Trademark Taken breaks all expectations. While most bands are starting to use titles that might as well be a novel, Trademark Taken uses titles that reflect what the song really conveys. Dial Tone, Memory, Broken Road, and Mass Hysteria are just some of the songs available on their website. I would love to discuss each song in detail, but I don’t want this piece turning into something by Leo Tolstoy. I will, however, give you this: you will never listen to a dial tone the same way ever again.
If the lyrical poetry that is spouted from their mouths is something that could make the Gods bow down, then the notes that pour out of their instruments could make those same Gods cry. I’m no musical expert. I played the flute for a few year when I was younger, but that’s it, so I really can’t go into great detail about the technical stuff. All I know is that Trademark Taken has the ability to do what Wyld Stallyns (quick go look them up on IMDB.com) did in 1991.
I can tell you that I thought the ability to spot quality music was something everyone had, but obviously not everyone can. The crap that pollutes our radio stations and MTV needs to go, now. There is so many better bands that are grossly ignored. This is why I’m imploring, no, I’m begging people to listen to the music that is coming from your speakers.
To my dismay, Trademark Taken’s headquarters is in Oregon, all the way across the country, for the readers who don’t look at a map too often. Because I am stuck in New Jersey without a car, seeing Trademark Taken perform is nothing more than a pipe dream. So as sort of a way to support their efforts, I recently dedicated my Myspace to them and am now writing this article.
So please, next time you are just looking for something to do, go to their Myspace page, http://www.myspace.com/trademarktaken. Just take a few minutes, listen to the music as it envelops you, and try to appreciate what they’ve managed to do. They’ve been able to a.) give you ears an orgasm and b.) not be super-cliched, actually there are no cliches, while ear-fucking you. And if your ever in the Portland area, stop by and watch them perform; I promise, it will be an amazing experience.