
6th Months Later...

So I know that it has been over 6th months, and I'm sorry. I've moved, started a job, and started college, lfe got busy and I forgot about this blog. So I'm back, I promise that I'll start regularly posting again. Maybe even more frequently. But on with the actual post....

In honor of Thanksgiving, I'm giving my unorthodox list of things I am thankful for.

1.) New Jersey, because without it Tony Soprano and every other stereotype would be without a home.
2.) Hockey, because hundreds of Canadians would have to sit around and stare at frozen over ponds.
3.) My friends, because without them so much of life would go over my head unexplained.
4.) My family, because without them my life would be boring and uneventful.
5.) Bandaids, because without them I would be dead.
6.) PointsInCase.com, otherwise without this website, I would have to pay attention in class and do homework in reasonable time.
7.) Paste, because it's fun, duh.
8.) Canada, because it will supply me with my future husband. Plus I'm fake Canadian, too.
9.) German boys, because without them my life would be drama-free.
10.) The Princess Bride, because without that movie I would have nothing to guide my life by.

So that's it. 10 things, obviously I'm thankful for the basic things. Living in America, my freedom, that people are willing to fight for our freedom, and other things along those lines, but my list is of things people forget about sometimes. Over the next posts I will explain the influence of hockey, Canada, and The Princess Bride, so maybe people will understand the logic behind my actions.

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