
Crazy Life of Freefalling

So lecture today was about Kierkegaard and how he says to live. It was all about should we live by our passions in life, or is it more productive to live ethically and sensibly? We discussed living by following our passion in life and sometimes how it requires to take a leap of faith. Leap of faith--------> Skydiving? Awesome? Who knows. It sounds great, and I'd love to do something like that.
Oh wait, I'm terrified of heights/falling. Skydiving has both of those fears wrapped up all neatly into one package. I guess the only thing worse would be skydiving with fish. I wonder what Freud would say about that last statement. What bizarre mental thoughts I have. (Side note: Is "mental thoughts" redundant?)

In other news, it's Monday morning. What was I thinking waking up this morning? Not saying "I-wish-I-never-woke-up-emo-kid-thing", more why didn't I skip class today? It's 80 minutes of me doodling, pretending I'm paying attention, and searching for left handed desks. In my mind I know that these classes will make me a more rounded, open minded, well versed human being, but my heart and passions find these classes purely pointless and unnecessary. If I could, I would spend all day writing papers, filming/photographing what I love, editing, and viewing different shows/musicals/plays. All I want to do is follow my passion, take my leap of faith, and to one day, maybe, just maybe, sky dive with fish.

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