
I'm sailing away...

So its not my birthday, but I needed to vent. My role in friendships has always been the supporter. If you ever needed a shoulder, a hug, a cheerleader, a confidant, anything, I always try to be there. Sometimes its out of my hands, but when I'm needed, I try to be there.

Lately, however, I've found many of my relationships to be one sided. There's no reciprocation, its like I'm only good for a hug and a Good Luck wish when needed. I'm fairly certain that's not a friendship. I remember biology and environment class saying that is a -/+ relationship or a parasite relationship. Whatever it's called, good for you, bad for me.

I've already confronted one "friend" with this tidbit of information and it was returned with nothing (its a long distance friendship and most of it is based off of phone calls, texts, and email). Since Easter, nothing but one text that said Sorry, the girlfriend that I just dumped was a crazy control freak. Well if you dumped her, what happened to our friendship?

I'm scared to say something to others, I mean obviously I have my friends who have a functioning relationship with me, but what about the others? Is it worth the kiss off or do I just shrug it off and deal with it another day?

I hate having dead weight, and that is what these friendships could turn into. But I feel if I start cutting ties, I'm ditching people for reasons they could not control. I guess the best thing to do is wait for school to resume. See what life brings then...

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