
Little less conversation, a little more action...

Lecture classes are pretty pointless, the whole sitting in a giant room and having someone talk at you is not really a appealing or helpful. The class I'm sitting in now is the worst, the kind where the prof encourages you to ask questions, and then demeans you for asking. I feel like skipping the class often is a waste of tuition, so instead I do other things during the class, I consider it multitasking. In honor of that, I've decided today's list will be about the top things I do in class.

1. Check my fantasy hockey teams. I'm slightly obsessed with it since I play against my biggest rivals, my brother and father. The only problem with doing this is the cursing I wish I could be doing if my team is floundering.

2. Browsing What Would Tyler Durden Do and The Superficial. Slightly less addicting is the celebrity gossip pages that I'll check every few hours to see what's going on in the world of plastic and gold.

3. Picking classes. Its almost time to schedule them, and I still have no idea what I want to take, so I spend hours browsing the web pages.

4. Filling in the lyrics for my iPod. I just realized that my iTouch (yeah I know its really the iPod Touch, but mine is a music pedophile, deal with it) has a neat feature that lets you scroll through the lyrics as you listen to the song without looking em up online. So a few thousand songs takes a while to look up.

5. Texting. This is quite possibly my favorite activity, and obviously its not limited to class, but it is a fun thing to do during class.

6. StumbleUpon is an evil and addicting button that frequently causes me to stiffle giggles.

So yeah its a Top Six list, but its my damn list and I get to pick the rules!

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