
One hot southern belle, Son of a devil....

This is my one and only political thing I will ever write, unless its for class (being a PoliSci major and all).

Most of my friends have spent the past year trying to sway my political views. For those of you unaware, I'm registered as a Republican, and to them, I'm making a silly mistake. Some days, I just don't feel like defending my position, so I just make up some ridiculous statement about why I would do something like that. Though I feel with the end of an era wrapping up, I should at least explain myself.

With our political system, everything is Black, White, or Other. Your a Democrat, a Republican, or Not, and to me that's not really how I see the world. If I was to categorize myself, I'm fiscally Republican and everything else as "Other". I don't really think I could ever explain each stand point, because I refuse to cement myself to one position, the more I learn about different issues, my opinions are altered.

With this being my first election (I missed the last one, and before that I was too young), I felt like there was a lot of pressure on the voters. God forbid we end up with another disaster of a President. I'm not really into politics, I paid attention way more this time than in years past, because I need to know what's going to happen when I leave Rutgers. While everyone is focused on what "change" is going to be made, I'm worried about death.

As horrible as it is, there is a high chance of death with both of these candidate, McCain for the obvious reason and Barack, not because he's black but because of where he comes from. Chicago is not exactly the Land of Oz, well maybe the HBO one but not Frank L. Baum's world. Who knows how much help he got from the seedy side, and who knows if he's going to help them. Honestly there's hundreds of what if and thousands of other possibilities for why these men might die. But that's besides my point.

What I fear is who is going to take over. On one side, is Joe Biden, a man who's political expereince spans decades. Other the other, is Sarah Palin, most famous for her mythical friends Joe the Plumber and Joe Six Pack. With Biden comes a history and a knowledge of the inner workings of Washington, with Sarah, there's the knowledge of where Russia is in proximity to her house. But in my eyes, that's a good thing. Biden "knows" what he's doing, so he isn't taking shit, or advice from any one. Palin will be so over whelmed that she'll take advice from all over. She won't be party-loyal or foolish enough to think she can do it on her own. I think with the aides guiding her, she'd actually be able to pull it together, while Biden will be like the petulant four year old who needs to try all the wrong choices before the right one is selected.

With that being said, yeah, I voted for McCain/Palin. Personally, I didn't really like either one, who ever does? But as we all did in 2004, I picked the lesser of two evils, but this time I lost.

Oh well


Jeff Kowalski said...

We spent the last 8 years with a president susceptible to outside influence, and you honestly wanted that again? McCain used to be a great man. Had he won the nomination and the presidency in 2000, we'd probably be in a lot less shit right now. Currently though, he's a puppet to a corrupt group of imitation Republicans. I think Republican values are strong, and definitely worthy of supporting, but find me a candidate you supports states over federal, who will refuse to increase spending, who will actually do ANYTHING fiscally or politically conservative, and I'll find you a unicorn.

Cait said...

Yes, I rather that than stubborn Joe Biden

Jeff Kowalski said...

That's awful that you would rather have a puppet president than someone with their own opinions.

Cait said...

If its so horrible then stop reading my blog and being my friend...