
I've got sunshine in a bag...

My life is over. Well not really, but to me it is. To put it simply, the spring semester was a bad time for me. Somethings happened back home, and I really didn't want to go to class for two weeks, all I wanted to do was sit in bed and cry. Which, basically, I did. When I resumed going to classes, I realized I was so far behind there was no hope of me catching up. Instead of doing the logical thing and going to talk to my professors, I decided to have fun for once. Instead of staying in every night, studying and preparing for classes, I went out and had fun. I had a life outside of books for the first time ever, and it felt fantastic. I never regretted one minute of it, until I checked my transcript. It now has one W and two Fs for the spring semester. Yeah, I fucked up. I failed one of the gen ed classes that I need for my major, plus a math course (but who's really surprised that I failed math?). So for the past few weeks this has been the reason I've been so cranky and just throwing myself into work. There you go, you now know everything... Cheers!

Oh and I just realized that the song, Clint Eastwood by the Gorillaz is the really awesome Sunshine In A Bag song.

Add-on: I just told my father, he's not mad, he's disappointed. Oh god the kiss of death. I am a failure to him

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