
Say it ain't so I will not go, Turn the lights off, Cary me home...

Wow, so about 4 years ago I met this guy on vacation. He was just someone to hang out with and it was fun. For about 6 months we exchanged emails and what not. But as it goes, we lost touch, high school slowly took over our lives and we went our separate ways. Flash forward to 2pm today, some lady walks into the office and as I'm entering her information I see that his name is on the membership. So we get to talking and sure enough its his mother! Not only that, but he just finished his freshman year at Rutgers! WTF? I haven't talked to this guy in years and now all of a sudden this starts happening. Oddly enough, last summer I worked with his old english teacher... Clearly we are meant to still talk...

Wheeeeeeeeee! I love making friends with people I'm already friends with!!

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