
Once upon a looking-for-Donna-time....

I forgot to breathe in class today. Not just that, but I was speaking in class and forgot to breathe. A mass of words started to stumble out of my mouth, and there was no moment to breathe. It was a good twenty seconds before my lungs realized they were not doing their job.

You would think I would learn, but nope. I did it again ten minutes later. My brain and my lungs are clearly in an argument today. Why are my lungs so mad? I don't abuse them! Clearly, I have to sit everybody down and talk it out. Not breathing = not good. I'm 18, you think I'd know how to breathe by now.

I've written this whole thing, and I don't know how to spell breath, breathe? What is it? How can I write an entire entry on something I don't know how to spell correctly?

I have a lecture, Monday mornings on boredom. I thought it would be on boredom, what causes boredom, and why we need it. So far, all it has done is bore me. Did you know machines can't get bored?! That was part of today's lecture! This is the same class that spawned skydiving with fish. Thanks to lecture, my mind wandered to Back to the Future. Did you know we are getting hover boards in two years? That will be so sweet!!! No more riding the EE!

PS From now on the titles of my post's will be a line from a song that is stuck in my head. I'm horrible at coming up with titles, so this is my little cop out.

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